Grow the best Dahlia and Chrysanthemum than your neighbours

Dahlia Dahlia and Chrysanthemum are the best winter seasonal flowers in India, Both are good for cut flowers as well as garden competition and home gardening. When it’s a matter of size dahlia flowers are the first number.  Their flower size varies from Button size to 25cm giant.  They also have different colors like pink, … Read more

Low maintenance garden grass in India [2024]

Synopsis: A Selection of one lawn is the best low maintenance garden grass in India. It requires less effort to maintain, and less fertilizer requirement compared to other lawn grass, Whenever you first-time plant make the best soil for it as described in this article. For long-term healthy lawns and the best appearance. And very … Read more

Most useful bonsai soil mix India composition

Soil for Bonsai, Every plant needs a medium to grow. So like most other plants soil is a medium where plants grow. It’s the best medium for the bonsai plant also. A quarter of the soil decides the quality of growth of the plant. It’s good to understand basic preparation for soil. There are lots … Read more

Most common 6 insects on plants in the garden [2022]

The most common problem of plants is pest infestation which makes any plant dull, damaged, die in between the life and cost us also and ruin our caring attachment to plant also. So here we understand types of plant pests and their cure to get rid of them. Some of the insects described here are … Read more