The Power of Miyawaki Forest [2024]

Miyawaki forest
Miyawaki forest

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Synopsys: By adopting the Miyawaki Forest Method, communities and urban planners can effectively combat ecological degradation, foster biodiversity, and create green spaces that enhance the quality of life in urban areas. This method represents a significant advancement in ecological engineering, offering a viable solution to the challenges of modern environmental restoration.

Miyawaki method invention 

Dr Miyawaki refined, tested, and developed a method for potential vegetation of ecological engineering. Which is today known as the Miyawaki forest method.

Degraded Soils: This method refers to growing/restoring native forests by growing seeds of native plants on very degraded soil which is without humus. He restored 1300 sites in Japan and various tropical countries.

Urban Afforestation: Miyawaki planting method/ Miwaki plantation – The Miyawaki forest method is an ideal/ standard way to develop/ form urban forest in a short period.

You can say mini forest around the concrete development to get the fresh air. And to restore ecology and thus the environment as well.

In a traditional method, a typical forest takes more than 100 years to form a natural forest.

Dense Planting: The Miyawaki method involves planting trees very densely, mimicking natural forest conditions which promotes faster growth and stronger resilience.

Ecological Benefits: These mini-forests contribute to biodiversity, improve air quality, sequester carbon, and enhance the overall urban environment.

Amazon prime

Rapid Growth: This miyawaki forest method can make forests within a short period of 20-30 years. You can see a forest-like appearance from within two years.

You can see the video below for an example of the miyawaki forest at Riverfront, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Plantation was done in August 2019 and looks nearly like a forest in just 15 months in November 2020.

Tools and materials for Miyawaki forest plantation- 

1 Chalk or lime powder

2 Shovel

3 Rope for marking borders

4 Measuring tap

5 Flexible watering pipe

6 Bucket and tumbler

7 Water

8 Paper cutter

9 Jute rope to tie plants with a stick

10 4-5 feet long bamboo sticks for plant support

11 Dried grass/ leaves for mulching (half a kilo/ plant)

11 FYM

12 Rice Husk

13 Cocopeat

How to Do- Miyawaki planting method

For 1000 square feet area we require 300 plants for it.

First, excavate the land/ dig it bay 3 to 4 feet deep. If you are planning a large area you can dig it with a JCB machine. Now make a heap of digged soil.

Mix the FYM, rice husk, tobacco powder, and cocopeat-like perforating material in this soil.

Now after mixing all the stuff/ material in the soil relevel the same area with this soil.

Don’t compact this soil while leveling and we should avoid walking on it also.

After that make the grid by using rope and chalk powder as shown below.

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Make markings for the plants in each grid every 1.5/2 feet in a triangular formation.

Dig the pits on this marking 1 foot wide and 1 foot deep.

Make the grid based on 30 pits if it is a 30-plant variety. Thus 30 varieties in each grid as shown in the below figure.

Miyawaki forest
Miyawaki grid layout (for 1000 sq ft)

When planting is done fit the bamboo support to the plants’ required support.

Mulch the whole plantation area. And water the plantation after planting it 

The best time for a miyawaki forest plantation is a month before monsoon. If you plant it in other seasons regularly water it once a day till they achieve 6 to 7 feet height.

Miyawaki forest doesn’t require maintenance after 2 years.

Points to note down During the Miyawaki plantation

If the soil is clay you can add vermicompost plus rice husk/ wheat husk/ soya husk.

If the soil is sandy you can add cocpeat for water holding and organic material like vermicompost in it.

Miyawaki forest also represents biodiversity by planting different native trees.

Tree varieties to select like a mix of flowering, fruiting medicinal, and timber varieties.

For native tree varieties, you can visit the nearest Agriculture institutes, and forest departments also.

But here we are providing you with a general list of trees/ plants adapted to our country.

Watering time before 9 AM in the morning and after 4 PM in the evening.

Do a wedding at least for two years as and when required.

After two years of maintenance rule is “ no maintenance is the best management” 

Miyawaki Forest plant list

Sl.NoCommon NameBotanical NameFamily
1.Toothed leaf limoniaNaringi crenulataRutaceae
2.Rubber vineCryptostegia grandifloraApocynaceae
3.Fish-killer treeBarringtonia racemosaLecythidaceae
4.Water appleSyzygium samarangenseMyrtaceae
5.Asoka treeSaraca asocaCaesalpiniaceae
6.Peanut butter fruitBunchosia argenteaMalpighiaceae
7.PomegranatePunica granatumLythraceae
8.FirebushHamelia patensRubiaceae
9.RudrakshamElaeocarpus angustifoliusElaeocarpaceae
10.Indian Ash treeLannea coromandelicaAnacardiaceae
11.LasoraCordia dichotomaCordiaceae
12.Red figFicus caricaMoraceae
13.Blue JacarandaJacaranda mimosifoliaBignoniaceae
14.Black portiaThespesia populneaMalvaceae
15.Common MallowThespesia lampasMalvaceae
16.Sea grapeCoccoloba uviferaPolygonaceae
17.ConocarpusConocarpus erectusCombretaceae
18.Beggars bowlCrescentia alataBignoniaceae
19.FicusFicus aurataMoraceae
20.Travelers’s palmRavinala madagascariensisMusaceae
21.MilkwoodAlstonia macrophyllaApocynaceae
22.Child-life treePutranjiva roxburghiiPutranjivaceae
23.Divi diviCaesalpinia coriareaCaesalpiniaceae
24.KaimMitragyna parvifoliaRubiaceae
25.Gian crepe-myrtleLagerstroemia speciosaLythraceae
26.Rosy trumpet treeTabebuia roseaBignoniaceae
27.Sappan woodBeancaea sappanMimosaceae
28.African Locust treeParkia biglandulosaMimosaceae
29.Turkey BerrySolanum torvumSolanaceae
30.Beach GardeniaGuettarda speciosaRubiaceae
31.Indan AloewoodAquilaria malaccensisThymelaeaceae
32.Mexican LilacGliricidia sepiumFabaceae
33.Terminalia metalyTerminalia metallicaCombretaceae
34.Dyer’s oleanderWrightia tinctoriaApocynaceae
35.Yellow oleanderCascabela thevetiaApocynaceae
36.Ghaf treeProsopis cinereaMimosaceae
37.West Indian CherryMalpighia glabraMalpighiaceae
38.West Indian peaSesbania grandifloraFabaceae
39.Indian Elm treeHoloptelea integrifoliaUlmaceae
40.Areca nutAreca catechuArecaceae
41.BambooBambusa arundinaceaPoaceae
42.Silk cotton treeCeiba pentandraMalvaceae
43.BeechwoodGmelina arboreaVerbenaceae
44.MahoganySwietenia macrophyllaMeliaceae
45.Malabar NeemMelia dubiaMeliaceae
46.Arjun treeTerminalia arjunaCombretaceae
47.Indian SirisAlbizia lebbeckMimosaceae
48.Indian Mast treeMonoon longifoliumAnnonaceae
49.RosewoodDalbergia latifoliaFabaceae
50.Silver oakGrevillea robustaProteaceae
51.Paradise treeSimarouba glaucaSimaroubaceae
52.TeakTectona grandisVerbenaceae
53.Belliric MyrobalanTerminalia belliricaCombretaceae
54.Andaman redwoodPterocarpus marsupiumFabaceae
55.SissoDalbergia sissooFabaceae
56.Jamun treeSyzygium cuminiiMyrtaceae
57.Red sandersPterocarpus santalinusMyrtaceae
58.African mahoganyKhaya senegalensisMeliaceae
59.Big silk cottonBombox ceibaMalvaceae
60.CinnamonCinnamomum malabatrumLauraceae
61.Prickly custard appleAnnona muricataAnnonaceae
62.Flame of the forestButea monospermaFabaceae
63.GulmoharDelonix regiaCaesalpiniaceae
64.CashewAnacardium occidentaleAnacardiaceae
65.Green ChampaArtabotrys hexapetalusAnnonaceae
66.Black pepperPiper nigrumPiperaceae
67.Ebony woodDiopyros ebenumEbenaceae
68.Pink showerCassia javanicaCaesalpiniaceae
69.CherryPrunus aviumRosaceae
70.Indian butter treeMadhuca longifoliaSapotaceae
71.Spanish cherryMimusops elengiSapotaceae
72.Orchid treeBauhinia variegataCaesapliniaceae
73.Indian Coral treeErythrina grandifloraFabaceae
74.Cannonball treeGouropita guianensisLecythidaceae
75.Indian cork treeMillingtonia hortensisBignoniaceae
76.Indian beech treePongamia pinnataFabaceae
77.Alexandrian lauralCalophyllum inophyllumCalophyllaceae
78.Golden showerCassia fistulaCaesalpiniaceae
79.Champak treeMagnolia champacaMagnoliaceae
80.Yellow flame treePeltophorum pterocarpumCaesalpiniaceae
81.Rain treeSamanea samanMimosaceae
82.African Tulip treeSpathodea campanulataBignoniaceae
83.Sacred Fig treeFicus religiosaMoraceae
84.Cluster FigFicus racemosaMoraceae
85.BanyanFicus benghalensisMoraceae
86.Curry leafMurraya koenigiiRutaceae
87.Common jujubeZizhiphus jujubaRhamnaceae
88.GuavaPsidium guajavaMyrtaceae
89.Jack fruitArtocarpus heterophyllusMoraceae
90.Madras thornPithecellobium dulceMimosaceae
91.MangoMangifera indicaAnacardiaceae
92.NeemAzadirachta indicaMeliaceae
93.Indian MulberryMorinda citrifoliaRubiaceae
94.Ceylon woodManilkara hexandraSapotaceae
95.Sandal woodSantalum albumSantalaceae
96.SapodillaManilkara zapotaSapotaceae
97.Custard appleAnnona squamosaAnnonaceae
98.Singapore CherryMuntingia calaburaMalvaceae
99.TamarindTamarindus indicaCaesalpiniaceae
100.Wood appleLimonia acidissimaRutaceae
101.Stone appleAegle marmelosRutaceae
102.Indian AlmondTerminalia catappaCombretaceae
103.Hairy FigFicus hispidaMoraceae
104.Star gooseberryPhyllanthus acidusPhyllanthaceae
105.Indian gooseberryPhyllanthus emblicaPhyllanthaceae
106.Acid limeCitrus aurantifoliaRutaceae
107.Henna treeLawsonia inermisLythraceae
108.Chinese ChasteVitex negundoVerbenaceae
109.Tree of sadnessNyctanthes arbor-tristisOleaceae
110.Charcoal treeTrema orientalisCannabaceae
Above plant List by maduracollege


By adopting the Miyawaki Forest Method, communities and urban planners can effectively combat ecological degradation, foster biodiversity, and create green spaces that enhance the quality of life in urban areas. This method represents a significant advancement in ecological engineering, offering a viable solution to the challenges of modern environmental restoration.

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