Today we are going to discuss the handy tips for how to take care of plants in Rainy Weather, you will get the complete answer to this question.
We the people of India blessed with the best weather. Especially the plant’s lover/collector, they have a collection of plants.
For every plant lover, I am discussing a domestic plant collector.
They care for all three main seasons: summer, monsoon, and winter by themselves.
They maintain their plant by themselves without taking any specialized annual maintenance services.
They care for them like their child. As far as I know, they hire gardeners for watering weeding, etc.
A gardener who waters digs the soil, fertilizes, and does the weeding.
There is no need to water if they are below the open sky. When they are having frequent rain on time.
After the first rain, if it does not arrive after two to three days you may water on the third or fourth day. Just check the upper layer of the potting soil or garden soil is dry enough, before watering.
But it is always on you to be vigilant about how plants react. Don’t let plants without water. So as the situation arrives water the plant.
Plants who absorbed too much water. They have symptoms like leaf fall, rotting of root zones, and the gloomy appearance of plants.
If you have a big corridor with plants arranged in the open sky know the varieties that don’t like too much water.
Put such plants in a roofing shade so plants will not get direct pouring rain. It may ruin some varieties badly or damage them
Desert/tropical varieties do not like rain for example- Adeniums, cactus plants, succulents, etc
Always check for a drainage hole at bottom of the pot. if it is a ceramic, Earthen, or plastic pot It’s necessary for proper drainage of excess water.
Hence during the time of monsoon, pot floods with pot soil.
The root system gets exposed and there will be a start the damage to plants.
Table of Contents
Why is rainy season plant care needed?
- Monsoon is the best time for plants because it facilitates low temperature and humidity and all combo of weather for plants to grow. This makes plants feel better to survive and settle well.
- Encourages root tip elongation for the well spread of root zones.
- Now the question arises that after an all favorable atmosphere why do we need to care for them in the monsoon.
- Because this favorable weather also invites pests, insects, and fungi to settle during this time.
- Also chances of roots rotting in plants.
- Fertigation at this time is best. why? because most of us use chemical fertilizers they warm by nature after they get mixed up in the soil they start creating heat around.
- But the cold atmosphere of the monsoon around helps the plant feels well even after fertigation. But at this time light, fertigation is good rather than heavy.
- Such heat may cause root damage thus it damages the whole plant also. if you are a regular gardener you may have seen such a thing in your gardening tenure. It happens more in summer.
- The reason is the outer atmosphere is warm and the root zone has heat after fertilizer application both kinds of the warm atmosphere become unbearable for plants and plants get die. Such thing mainly occurs in the summertime if you noticed.
- So monsoon is the best time to fertilize plants also.
- Always check for stagnant water it may damage the plant.
General rainy season plant care tips
- If you found a few rotten leaves in some water-obsessed plants, remove them.
- To avoid rotting after rain, drench it with proper fungicide for its survival.
- Re-potting: to do for Plants which have over absorption of rainwater.
- And the plants with over drained pot soil with opened root zones.
- Re-potting is not necessary for all pots, you can refill earth soil or plant mixture in pots. To fulfill soil drained during rain and have seen open roots zones.
How to take care of plants in rainy weather (For the collection of plants in the corridor below the open sky) :
Here is the checklist for it –
1. Earth soil flooded from the pot with rainwater?
Ans- re-pot with new plant mixture if needed otherwise one can just add mixture which is washed out
2. wet earthen pot has cracks?
Ans- better to change such pot on time before they get exposed to rain.
3. No drainage from the bottom hole of the pot?
Ans- Make the holes at the bottoms of the pot or replace them with a pot with a hole. Excess water stored in the pot may damage roots and thus the whole plant. If there is a tray below the pot better to empty it when filled with water, if possible remove them to avoid stagnant water.
4. Some water-obsessed plants may get down/die check for it?
Ans- If possible treat with fungicides. on the intervals of 7-15 days as per plant requirements. Means hardened need more or young plants less. 50-100 of the solution is enough to drench. After the drench put some water in it also. Keep some distance from the main stem(root zone). Think of a stem as a center at least keep a radial distance of 3-6 inches for garden plants, it varies as per plant size and height. The purpose is not to harm root zones.
5. Do you have a collection of Cactus and Succulents?
Ans- Cactus plants in the open sky rather than glass house or polyhouse we usually drench plants with COC (copper oxychloride). Two grams/liter (Get expert advice for your plants before using it). At an interval of 7-10 days during regular rainy days. If the rain is not that frequent you can stretch the schedule to 10-12 days. But be vigilant that they do not get rotten. usually, they start rotting from the base of the plant ( Ex. Grusonii cactus). But some may get rotting on top or middle also.

The part of a plant that gets damaged or rotten then applies COC (copper oxychloride) to it.
It can stop the plant get damaging more.
When the plant gets gloomy apply fungicide treatment to them in the potting soil.
Drench fungicide at intervals of every 7-8 days. For a collection of cactus plants in the open space.
Always use branded fungicides available in the market, and avoid low-quality ones. While application of such chemicals always keeps your pet and children far from the pot.
Keep such chemicals out of reach of children and pets. Always follow product instructions while using chemicals.
To make your garden thrive in the pre and post-monsoon most of the practices you need to do is :
- less watering,
- Check for pests, insects, and fungi,
- Pruning of overgrown leaves or branches.
- Whenever possible give sunlight exposure in between.
- Can use fungicide for affected plants.
- Avoid over-watering.
Wish you all the plant and garden lovers happy plant care during rainy weather.
Hope you guys have enough rainy weather plant care tips/guide, don’t forget to share.
Do comment now it’s your queries.
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Why my plants are dying in rainy season?
They are having more rainwater and have root rots due to overwatering. If you want to save them you can try fungicide. It will increase the chances of survival of the plants. But the condition is, that rotting should not have on optimum level.
What to do with potted plants when it rains?
There are chances of them getting more rainwater instead of their need /appetite. If the plant below the open sky in the garden and not feeling well, you can put them below roof shade near the garden or porch of the home.