The ‘how to grow lawn grass is the main task and its central part of the garden. It provides green canvasing to the whole garden. And the rest of the garden is getting arranges surrounding it. you need to plant a lawn grass type as per your requirement means is it going to used for play are or general-purpose. If for general-purpose soft regular lawns grass is ok (i.e.Selection one, Rough lawn).
Today we are on the topic of how to grow lawn grass. In the last article, we just learned how to pave the borders. Bricks and paver blocks shape the overall look of the Garden. Now we start or head to planting work.
Whenever you start to learn how to grow lawn grass one thing is to keep in mind that two periods of the year are good to grow a lawn. One is in the summer and the other is
Table of Contents
How to grow lawn grass- consists of two parts
One is the green part and the other is the technical part.
Now you guys will say what is the green part and what is technical part let me explain it.
1. Green part: –
This means whatever we plant and which grows over time for example planting a Tree, Shrub, growing lawn grass, etc.
2. Technical part –
It means the basic work of making soil leveling, digging, plowing, and making Paver block fitting. And some civil work like making of Fountain, water bodies for some aquatic plants, fishpond, etc.

Today we learn to plant Garden lawns. Because in most cases a typical Garden consists of 50 To 60 percent lawn area.
And it also takes time to grow if you saw it by planting lawn cuttings from any other established healthy lawn.
Or you may buy readymade lawn blocks available in the market or by seed spreading also.
We grow lawn as the first part of the garden green work. Because it took around 2 to 3 months for a complete grown green cover like Look. Which will not have vacant spaces in between lawn plants.
You get the complete green clover-like appearance after sawing the lawn in and around 2-3 months in tropical weather.
Some warm weather suits it when you plant a lawn. In some weather conditions, it may take 4-5 months also.
Lawn development (How to grow lawn grass) consists of three steps as below:
The first step for growing lawn grass is base Fertilization (Fertilization of the soil).
The second is insect and termite treatment to soil and the third is sawing off the lawn.
The fourth step is regular watering.
And the last step is loan mowing by lawnmower machines on regular basis.
After following the above steps you get the complete green carpet-like lawn at the end of these practices. The basis of in which weather format you are planting a lawn may stretch the growth of the lawn.
So sometimes it may 4 to 5 months to take a complete appearance.
Now, why do we choose to plant a lawn first? Because in most cases a typical Garden consists of 50 To 60 percent of lawn area.
1. Fertilization of the soil for growing lawn grass
Now we discuss/ understand the fast step that Fertilization of the soil before planting a lawn. We just studied and understood the basic step of land preparation in the previous article here in this blog. So you may find the detailed land preparation in that article.
Here we have completely prepared land as we learned in the past article.
Meanwhile, we have to spread some part of FYM that is farm Yard manure. “Matlab desi animal ke Gobar mein se Bani Hui Sukhi Khad” and DAP is a chemical granule fertilizer that has the full form of Di Ammonium phosphate.
This is considered useful as a base fertilizer for planting lawns in any crop on the farms.
It has a slow-releasing capacity. So meanwhile it provides a parallel supplement of nutrients to the lawn as it develops daily.
The requirement for the area can be calculated as below
Approximately 2 kg DAP and 10-15 kg FYM for the area of
10 x 10 feet = 100 square feet area.
It’s a general base fertilizer requirement. But as we discussed soil here in the previous article that how to prepare your Soil before starting a Garden.
At their, we discussed the soil testing report which we get after the testing of our Soil. So you may have different requirements for the fertilization of your soil.
Then you need to follow those fertilizer recommendations instead of the ideal dose described here.
2. Clear soil from insects
The second step is removing insects from the soil, termites etcetera, etc. For removal use some insecticides which are available on the market. And go to the nearest agro pesticides supplier/vendor and ask them for termite removal chemicals and application dose it before applying it to your Garden.
If you have children at your home you have to be careful while using these chemicals. As they are poisonous, so after each use put it in a lock and key situation or storage. If not completely used. And if used completely then dump the pacing properly from out of reach of the children.
You can also ask a pesticide vendor for its detail and storage guidelines. As you may have questions that why doing Or following this step. We are especially doing this step for the removal of termites which are usually found in most soils.
If we do not remove this termite from this soil it will eat the roots of the newly planted lawn cuttings. And if we grow lawns by seeds then why do we need this termite application? So here I am explaining that if you grow by seed It’ll grow as a baby plant in the future.
And that plant also has a root zone, it can be damaged by termites. So whatever planting methods of lawn are but we need to follow this step. In most Indian soils termites are present.
There is the other problem of fungal infection that may also occur. As per experience, it is never found usually in it but if you found it you may treat the soil with fungicide.
3. Sawing off the lawn grass
We usually in India have the warm seasons grasses for lawn.
Due to the warm weather of the country for around 8 to 9 months a year atmosphere was found warm except for bad rainstorms and a few months of winter.
You can first see the lawn by planting grass seed as there is some seed spraying technique also available.
This technique is useful in the case of large areas and to get uniform growth of the lawn.
For example, the Golf course lawn development which usually consists of large lawn areas.
And when you are growing the lawn grass by the seed you need to buy the quality grass seed from a vendor/supplier.
And the second technique is how to grow lawn grass by cuttings/grass plants from old well-grown lawns.
For this, you have to scrape out any existing lawn patch with healthy lush green, insect-free green lawn with “pawda“. And it should be with a root zone for planting in your new garden area.
Usually, these lawn grass types are lawns common in the gardens as described below:
- Selection one
- Rough lawn ( Axonopus finish )
- Carpet lawn
Learn in detail about these lawns in the next article.
Feel free to comment on any questions about garden lawns.